Book: « African Tales » (by Christophe Kambaji)
African tales belong to the oral tradition. Parents or adults generally tell them to children in the evenings around a fire or under a blue and starry sky. This book is a collection of eleven Congolese tales translated into English. These tales are not told aimlessly. They have an educational objective: to inculcate in children’s mind values which will enable them to live in harmony within their communities and to be wise enough to cope successfully with life’s challenges and situations.
These tales will dazzle their readers and make them laugh because they have touches of wit and humour. These tales have remained in darkness for a long time. The aim of this book is to bring them
The author:
Christophe Kambaji was born in Likasi, Democratic Republic of Congo. He took his degree in Germanic philology from the University of Brussels in 1973. From 1973 to 1980 he taught English and German in Belgian secondary and high schools. Since 1981 he has been teaching English. In 1994 he published Chinua Achebe: A Novelist and a Portraitist of his Society, a book examining the novels of the famous Nigerian poet and novelist, Chinua Achebe.
For details:
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