Presidential Election in Cameroon: Open letter to the main opposition leaders (Maurice Kamto, Cabral Libii, Joshua Osih, and Akere Muna)
The presidential election of October 7th, 2018 represents more than ever the most awaited moment for CAMEROUNIANS OF THE COUNTRY AND THOSE of the DIASPORA to push the president candidate Mr. Paul Biya to retirement and CARRY LEGALLY THE OPPOSITION TO THE POWER.
The electoral campaign has just begun and you already see through the mobilization around you the hope you are bringingto Cameroonians from all horizons. Given the electoral system in Cameroon that is one round, you know well that your mobilization alone will not be enough to drive this change against a regime that in addition to this system not favorable to the emergence of the opposition has in his electoral DNA FRAUD.
Dear Leader – candidate, the hope carried in you is so huge that IT WOULD BE A CRIME TO JUSTIFY ONCE MORE FAILURE TO CAMEROONIANS. We can not fail all the time in the same way. The system in place has been there for 36 years and more than half of the current voters were not born at the beginning of this regime. The Cameroonian people know that the solution for alternation is in a strong mobilization around the candidate-leaders that you are, but also and especially in the pooling of forces around a leader who must be the gateway to THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE, THE VOICE OF THE UNITED OPPOSITION. In your different media releases, YOU HAVE ALL TALK ABOUT A COALITION, and the Cameroonians are waiting that you gradually silence your egos to effectively pool your forces and SEND A STRONG SIGNAL TO THE PRINCIPALOPPONENT who is the outgoing candidate and all his protection system that is put in place to defend him. You all have attractive programs for the Cameroonian people, but you must not forget that only your program and the people behind you will not be enough to win. It thus becomes a SACRED DUTY TO FIND THE GOOD METHOD that will facilitate this long-awaited coalition.
In your respective teams there are prominent strategists and they must help you to achieve this end. In the past, and also for these elections it has often been suggested to set up criteria to facilitate the selection of a single candidate. If you can put in place unequivocal criteria, accepted by all of you, it would be commendable and salutary. We have seen these days the movement AGIR of Mr. Christian Penda Ekoka on so-called criteria based on objectivity, volume and frequency of the meetings, occupation of the ground, the program, and especially the will and determination of the candidates choosing one of the leaders – candidate (Maurice Kamto). If these criteria and choice are accepted by other candidates, it would arrange all Cameroonians and would be the first big victory before the deadline of October 7, 2018. If this is not the case, it becomes imperative to associate or to use the criterion of popularity of the candidates which would be in this case the most objective criterion at this moment for choosingthis single candidate. For its implementation, it is essential in the following days to carry out a survey which will show the strength of the candidates in the field so that alliances can be made around the candidate who has the greatest popularity for wearing the voice of the opposition. Thus, one or more CABINETS WITH EXPERTISE IN THE ELECTORAL SURVEY, ACCREDITED BY YOUR RESPECTIVE BASES must be put in place to facilitate this survey among the leaders of the opposition. This strategic alliance will bring all Cameroonians together and push those who have traditionally voted for CPDM to realize that there is A HIGH INTENSE FORCE IN FACEwhich will push them to turn and give their voice to the opposition knowing that it must bring the most expected change to Cameroon. So, dear leader candidate, while continuing to mobilize your electors, it is a sacred duty at this precious moment for Cameroonian people to do everything possible to reach this unique candidacy accepted by other leader – candidates before October 2 to give to thisperson and to you time to speak in one voice to the Cameroonian people for few days before the deadline of the elections.
The people who support you areimpatiently waiting for this victory and THE STRONGEST TONE WILL BE GIVEN WITH THE SELECTION OF THIS CANDIDATE ACCEPTED AND SUPPORTED BY OTHER. You have no right to make any mistake this time because Cameroonians are suffering many multifarious crises (Anglophone, economic, social, cultural, etc.) and rely on you, your sense of duty and your patriotism to enable them to overcome this regime.
Thank you dear leader – candidate to listen attentively to this message and to that of mobilization that we have recently formulated for Cameroonians to give this people the change and prosperity they deserve.
Adrien Djomo Queen’s University CanadaÉlection présidentielle au Cameroun en octobre 2018 : Une coalition de l’opposition est-t-elle nécessaire? Cameroon: Presidential Election – Call for a general mobilization to prompt Paul Biya to retire and start getting out of the crises
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