Africa & Science – Afrika & Wissenschaft – Afrique & Science

Nr. 00268- January 28 th, 2025 – Weekly Newspaper devoted to Science & Technology in Africa ** Pour la promotion de l'esprit scientifique en Afrique

Characteristics and agronomic potential of under cane sugar confectionary products: Bagasse, Scum and bagasse Ash

Université de MarouaAbstract

The waste generated by the sugar mills have interesting agronomic potential and thus constitute an important source of organic fertilizer. These effluents are produced in quantity and made of bagasse, filter cake and ash from energy recovery bagasse. They have different physicochemical characteristics. These characteristics vary with the variety, soil type and climate as well as the treatment received. Bagasse has fewer nutrients than filter cake 03 times less total nitrogen and total phosphorus. The ash is a mineral residue containing nutrients to the plant (P2O5, K2O, CaO). They improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of soils and hence agricultural production. However, the use of these residues in agriculture requires specific recommendations for each soil and climate in order to prevent environmental damage.

 Key words: Agronomic, characteristics, Environment, Fertilizer, Waste


Félicité OBONO MBA, The Higher instutute of the sahel, the University of Maroua , Cameroon, E-mail:

NSANGOU NCHARE Abdoulaye,  National Advanced School of Agro-Industrial Sciences, the University of Ngaoundere, Cameroon, Email:

Horace NGOMO, Faculty of sciences, the University of Yaounde I, Cameroun, Email:

César KAPSEU, Department of Process Engineering, National Advanced School of Agro-Industrial Sciences, the University of Ngaoundere, Cameroon, Email:

The article can be downloaded at the following link:

Felicite OBONO MBA- Characteristics and agronomic potential of under cane sugar confectionary products-June 2016

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