Canada Election 2015: African Diaspora ignored by all leaders
Stand up for your case and that of all new immigrants; Stand up for your environment
On October 19, 2015, Canadians will choose the prime minister and the ruling party for the next five years. On the 338 seats available, 170 will be needed for a majority which is mainly disputed between the Conservative party of the actual Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the New Democratic party of Tom Mulclair, and the Liberal party of Justin Trudeau. Other parties such as the Bloc Quebecois leaded by Gilles Duceppe, the Green party represented by Elisabeth May and all independents candidates are also taking part to this election. So far five debates opposed the main parties during which leaders explained to Canadians and permanent residents in Canada their program for the next years Many topics have been discussed by the leaders including economy, internal politics, transpacific trade, and international politics. Surprisingly, and strategically for the benefit of the conservative party, the issue of Niqab was mainly discussed leaving behind the main issues of economy, environment, poverty, indigenous community, transatlantic trade, etc. The question of African diaspora and Integration of new immigrants were not even discussed during the five debates, during most of the leaders’ meetings and in the Medias. In the following lines, I will expose some of the challenges facing new immigrants and African diaspora in Canada, the opportunity for a change and their better incorporation in the workforce. I will also advise anyone to stand up in the last days of the campaign and (even after) to force leaders to consider this important issue in their agenda during the next years.
Author:Adrien Djomo (PhD), Department of Geography, University of Kingston (Ontario)
The complete article is available at the following link:
Article of Adrien Djomo -Canada Elections 2015-october 14 2015
La version française de cette article est disponible au lien suivant: Article – Adrien Djomo -Canada- Elections Legislatives 2015-october 14 2015
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