13 Ph.D. scholarships at the University of Göttingen (Germany)
The Research Training Group RTG 2088 „Discovering Structure in Complex Data: Statistics meets Optimization and Inverse Problems“ (Speaker: Prof. Gerlind Plonka-Hoch) at the Georg-August-University Göttingen offers positions for
13 Ph.D. candidates
beginning on October 1st, 2015. The salary is in accordance with the German public service salary scale (E13 TV-L) with 75% of the regular working hours (currently 29.85 hours per week) for up to three years.
The research projects in this RTG focus on new mathematical concepts for the efficient reconstruction and classification of relevant structural information in data sets, without reconstructing the entire information inherent in the data. One of the guiding principles of this RTG consists of discovering and rigorously exploiting structural a priori information in order to obtain the desired information. Methodologically, specific emphasis will be laid upon the interplay between approaches in statistics, optimization, and inverse problems. Most of the proposed PhD projects arise from signal or image processing applications in biology, medicine or engineering.
Candidates should fulfill the following requirements:
– A very good M.Sc. degree (or equivalent) in mathematics or similar field;
– A strong background in one of the mathematical disciplines covered by the RTG (inverse problems, optimization, mathematical statistics, data analysis, probability theory, computational topology, mathematical signal and image processing);
– Proficiency in written and spoken English;
– Good programming skills are beneficial.
The University of Göttingen is an equal opportunities employer and places particular emphasis on fostering career opportunities for women. Qualified women are therefore strongly encouraged to apply as they are underrepresented in this field. Disabled persons with equivalent aptitude will be favored.
Detailed information on the application process, the research projects and the PhD study program are available at http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/514290.html. Candidates are required to indicate up to three preferred projects.
You find the online application platform here:
Only applications submitted via the application platform will be considered in the selection process.
Closing date is the 30th of June, 2015. For further information please contact plonka@math.uni-goettingen.de.
DAAD Bilateral Exchange of Academics (Germany) Cinquante Nuances d’Histoires: Joseph Boulogne dit Chevalier Saint-George, dit « Le Mozart Noir »
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