Africa & Science – Afrika & Wissenschaft – Afrique & Science

Nr. 00267- Oct. 1st., 2024 – Weekly Newspaper devoted to Science & Technology in Africa ** Pour la promotion de l'esprit scientifique en Afrique

13 PhD positions in Graduate School « Complex Scenarios of Light Control » (Germany)

The DFG-funded Research Training Group (RTG) « Complex Scenarios of Light Control (CLiC) » at the Goethe University Frankfurt offers 13 PhD Positions (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, E13 TV-G-U 66%) for a maximum of three years starting from November 1st 2014.

This RTG is dedicated to educating PhD students in the synthetic realization, theoretical description, photochemical characterization and biomolecular application of photolabile protecting strategies for the control of chemical and biological processes with light.

Within CLiC we will develop complex uncaging strategies including novel irradiation strategies, wavelength-selective addressability of multiple caging groups and methods for two-photon uncaging with 3D spatial resolution. We will explore new scenarios of light-control with special foci on time-resolved NMR spectroscopy in solution and in solid-state and advanced light microscopy.

Application procedure:
The application form and further information about the application procedure and all scientific projects can be found on Please send the required documents (see homepage) via e-mail until July 31st 2014 to

The program beginns on October 1st, 2014 for a duration of 36 Months. English is the working language of the institution.


  • Excellent M. Sc. in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biophysics or a comparable field.
  • Excellent English skills both oral and written.
  • Practical scientific expertise and strong theoretical background in one of the research fields.
    Interdisciplinary education covering several of the topics described above.
  • Creativity, flexibility, high degree of scientific curiosity, will to work in interdisciplinary teams, strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  • German language skills are helpful but not mandatory.
  • Transcripts


Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
60323 Frankfurt/Main

RTG ´Complex Scenarios of Light Control (CLiC)´

Herr Prof. Dr. Alexander Heckel

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