Africa & Science – Afrika & Wissenschaft – Afrique & Science

Nr. 00268- January 28 th, 2025 – Weekly Newspaper devoted to Science & Technology in Africa ** Pour la promotion de l'esprit scientifique en Afrique

12 PhD fellowships / scholarships at the Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS)

uni-bamberg-logoBAGSS is a multidisciplinary Graduate School funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG) as part of the German Excellence Initiative. We are seeking to stimulate and guide cutting-edge doctoral research on some of the most crucial challenges modern knowledge-based societies are facing. Specialised research agendas have been grouped into four thematic pillars:

Pillar 1:
Education, personal development and learning from early childhood to adulthood

Pillar 2:
Education and social inequality across the entire life course

Pillar 3:
Changes in human capital, labour markets and demographic structures and their impact on social inequality in modern societies

Pillar 4:
Governance, institutional change and political behavior

BAGSS faculty comprises over 20 professors from the fields of Sociology, Psychology, Educational Science, Political Science, Economics, Demography, and Statistics. BAGSS is offering prospective doctoral researchers a structured graduate programme located in Bamberg, Germany, which is designed to be completed in three years of full-time study. The language of instruction is English; doctoral theses can be submitted in English or German. Doctoral researchers are supervised and supported by a committee of three professors.

The training programme is tailored to the needs of the doctoral researchers.
Furthermore, we can offer funding for research support, conference and course travel. Candidates will be provided with office space, hard- and software.

BAGSS aims to provide candidates with an excellent education and supervision for a future career in academia, leading positions in international organizations, in the private, and the public sector.

You will need to demonstrate a strong interest in empirical research. We are interested in candidates with research proposals that fit with at least one of our School´s four pillars. Proposals cutting across two or more pillars are equally welcomed. We also take into account proposals that do not tally exactly with the pillar profiles, but are very closely related. A detailed list of topics that will be supervised by professors in our four pillars can be found here:

BAGSS is firmly committed to the goal of diversity and equal opportunities. It emphatically encourages applications by women and candidates with disabilities.

For more information about BAGSS, the necessary application documents, and to submit your application online, please visit our homepage:

The program starts on 01.10.2014 for a duration of 36 months. English ist the working Language.

Subject Requirements (Qualification)
We are inviting applications from exceptionally qualified graduates from the fields of Sociology, Psychology, Educational Science, Political Science, Economics, Demography and Statistics. Candidates must hold a Master´s degree or equivalent, or be very close to completion. You will need to demonstrate a strong interest in empirical research. We are interested in candidates with research proposals that fit with at least one of our School´s four pillars. Proposals cutting across two or more pillars are equally welcomed. We also take into account proposals that do not tally exactly with the pillar profiles, but are very closely related. A detailed list of topics that will be supervised by professors in our four pillars can be found here:

Compulsory Attachments

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Copy of university degree
  • Letter of motivation
  • Exposé of doctoral project
  • one-page abstract of your research proposal
  • a statement of your knowledge of social science research methods
  • two recommendation letters

University / Organisation advertising the position

University / Organisation
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
96045 Bamberg

Faculty / Institute
Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS)

Coordinator / Supervisor of the Doctoral Thesis
Herr Prof. Dr. Thomas Saalfeld

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