Land Grab in Sub-Saharan Africa: Drivers, the Actors, and Obligations
Since 2007/2008 land grab is widely discussed by international media outlets, academic communities, political decision makers, civil society organizations etc. The discussion is dominated by two major views – pro and against. Both strongly present their positions regarding the reason why land grab should be promoted or discredited. In between the two is also found the possibility of making the land deals win-win. Until now no consensus could be reached, though the process continues at a great pace. While land grab supporters signify the development benefits to investment host countries, and food and biofuel security of investors originating countries; on the other hand opponents indicate the displacement and dispossession risks incurred by subsistence and small farmers, pastoralists and indigenous people. At the center of the arguments is also morality of the distribution of the benefits and risks, and justifiability of the use of food and biofuel crops by destroying the livelihood base of local communities and also development that comes through such a means.
The aim of this article is, therefore, to show the nature and risks of land grab and reflect on the moral obligation of the actors. It is written based on the PhD research I am currently conducting. Methodologically it relies on authentic secondary sources. It intends to answer questions such as what is land grab and its drivers? How does the distribution of benefits and risks look like? And what should be the obligation of the actors? Hence hereunder is presented the concept of land grab, its drivers, the actors, trends of leased lands, its consequences, and human right implications and obligation of national and global actors.
Fitsum R. TEDDLA (MA.)
PhD Candidate
Institut of Geographie
University of Gießen
NB: The complete article is available in the recent edition of our scientific journal:
Afrika & Wissenschaft / Africa & Science, Band 1 (2013) – Heft 7, ISSN: 1862-6793 / ISBN:978-2-9808950-7-4
Afrika und Wissenschaft – Deckblatt-15 nov 2013
To order a copy:
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