Africa & Science – Afrika & Wissenschaft – Afrique & Science

Nr. 00267- Oct. 1st., 2024 – Weekly Newspaper devoted to Science & Technology in Africa ** Pour la promotion de l'esprit scientifique en Afrique

Bourses 2014 de la Fondation Schlumberger / Schlumberger Foundation’s Scholarships 2014

Schlumberger.svgThank you for your interest in the Faculty for the Future program. This Web site has been designed for Applicants and their Referees. This site hosts the entire application process for you and your referees and it contains guidance with each step.

Important notice: the deadline for Reference letters has beeen extended until Monday 26th November at midnight Central time (GMT+6).

Note: Schlumberger Foundation reserves the right not to consider or further process applications from applicants whose country of citizenship and/or residence is a country under embargo.

If you are a New Applicant and believe you meet all the eligibility criteria, please register below for an account. New applications will be accepted from September 9th to November 15th 2013 for the 2014 Fellowships (the deadline for reference letters is November 22nd 2013).

If you are a Renewal Applicant, please enter your login details. Renewal applications will be accepted from September 9th to November 8th 2013 (the deadline for reference letters is November 15th 2013).

If you are a Referee, please enter the username and password provided in the automatic email you received in order to access the reference letter form to submit your reference. All reference letters must be submitted online by November 22nd for NEW applications and by November 15th for RENEWALapplications.

N.B.The first time you log on you will have access to a page stating that your account is restricted. Please click on the « Account settings » tab to reset your password. Please note your new password should be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one Uppercase letter, one digit and one symbol

For details: Information sheet- Schlumberger Foundation- Scholarship 2014-2015

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