Africa & Science – Afrika & Wissenschaft – Afrique & Science

Nr. 00267- Oct. 1st., 2024 – Weekly Newspaper devoted to Science & Technology in Africa ** Pour la promotion de l'esprit scientifique en Afrique

Quota Scheme: The Norwegian government provides scholarships for students from developing countries

The Norwegian government provides scholarships for students from developing countries in the South and countries of Central- and East-Europe and Central-Asia under the Quota Scheme.

The goal of the Quota Scheme is to promote the internationalization of higher education and give developing country students relevant education that would also benefit their home countries when they return after graduation.

Each year universities and university colleges in Norway are allocated a certain number of quota students. The scheme normally includes courses at the Master and Ph.D. level, in addition to certain professional degrees.

 Host Institutions:

Selected state colleges, universities, and institutions in Norway. View websites of College and Universities offering the Quota Scheme (PDF).

Any eligible academic program offered by selected colleges, universities, and institutions in Norway. Please refer to the websites of the Norwegian institutions.

Target group:

The Quota Scheme is for certain developing countries that are on the DAC-list issued by OECD, and is eligible for students from the category of “lower middle-income countries” and under. Also, the scheme accepts students from Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and Palestinian students from the Palestinian Authorities.

See the complete list of eligible countries.

Scholarship value/inclusions:

Each student receives the same amount of money as a Norwegian student would do in an equivalent educational programme. About 30 per cent of the amount is given as a grant and 70 per cent as a loan. However, the loan portion is waived when the student returns to his/her home country after completing the course of study. Normally, the financial support will not not exceed a time span of four years for one definite study plan, or a combination of two programmes.

Travelling expenses for entry into Norway can be reimbursed (fixed price). Students can apply for one annual home visit if the educational programme lasts more than one year, as well as financial support for travelling expenses for field work during the course of study. When the student returns home within 3 months after finishing the course, the cost of travelling home is covered by the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund.


Please view this page for the complete eligibility requirements.

The Norwegian universities and university colleges participating in the Quota Scheme have an English version of their website, where applicants can find more detailed information about the admission requirements for each course offered.

The Quota Scheme as a rule only enrolls students from institutions which have collaboration agreements with Norwegian universities or university colleges. Norwegian institutions usually do not admit free movers (individual applicants) to this scheme. Only in very special cases can free movers be considered. To find out which institutions collaborate with Norwegian institutions, please refer to the websites of the Norwegian institutions.

The deadline for applying for the Quota scheme is usually 1 December every year. Some courses and educational programmes may have other deadlines than the this. Please contact the International Office at the university/college to which you want to apply for detailed information. The Letter of Admission is normally sent to the successful candidate by 15 April every year.

It is important to visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship. Please see the websites of each institution for detailed information about available courses, admission requirements and application procedures. Applications forms are available from the websites of the universities and university colleges. All applications should be sent directly to the International Office at the university/college to which the student applies.

Contact information:

Please note that SIU cannot offer individual guidance to prospective students regarding choice of institution or course, or information about course contents. All inquiries should be directed to the International Office at the institution in question. Applications should be sent directly to the institutions and SIU is not responsible for received applications.


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One thought on “Quota Scheme: The Norwegian government provides scholarships for students from developing countries

  • Niyonzi Bélard dit :

    je voudrais avoir plus d’informations sur cet appel de bourses.j’ai pas pu avoir les conditions éxigées pour être éligible dans chaque Université.prière de m’eclairer là dessus.